Interested in Sponsoring?
Sponsors get extensive opportunities to talk face-to-face with leaders in OT cybersecurity about their needs and challenges and position your company reps as a trusted solution resource who understands and provides the latest technology and trends.
Sponsorship Packages
30 minute presentation following keynote (delivered on same stage as keynote - full conference audience)
Reception sponsor: beverages and snack for in-person attendees (preconference evening or first night of conference, first-come, first-served)
Opportunity to provide exclusive logo item to conference reception attendees
One 6' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
Registration / lanyard / goodie bag sponsor
Ad in ISA Events mobile app
Five conference passes; additional purchased at 25% discount
Registration contact information
Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)
Technology demo presentation — 30 minutes (includes Q&A session)
Reception sponsor: beverages and snack for attendees (preconference evening or first night of conference, first-come, first-served)
Opportunity to provide exclusive logo item to conference reception attendees
One 6' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
Registration / lanyard / goodie bag sponsor
Ad in ISA Events mobile app
Five conference passes; additional purchased at 25% discount
Registration contact information
Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)
Technology demo presentation — 30 minutes (includes Q&A session)
One 6' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
Materials for goodie bag
Four conference passes; additional purchased at 25% discount
Registration contact information
Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)
Reception Sponsor
Sponsor beverages and snacks for in person audience, signage recognition
Opportunity to provide exclusive logo item to conference reception attendees
One 6' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
Two conference passes
Registration contact information
Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)
Lunch sponsor (includes speaker introduction and two slides, pick day one or day two)
One 6' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
Materials for goodie bag
Two conference passes; additional purchased at 25% discount
Registration contact information
Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)
Coffee/Tea Break Sponsor
Sponsor coffee breaks/snacks for in person audience (pick morning or afternoon, day one or two)
Opportunity to provide exclusive logo item to conference reception attendees
One 6' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
Two conference passes
Registration contact information
Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)
Signage Sponsor for ISA Workshop or Training
Sponsors training, workshop, tour or other special event, signage recognition
One 6' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
Two conference passes
Registration contact information
Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (Excludes ISA training materials. Earlier commitment equals more exposure)
Booth Sponsor
One 6' tabletop exhibit space, prime location (in-person and app)
Two conference passes
Registration contact information
Logo inclusion on all event promotional materials (earlier commitment equals more exposure)
Add ons
Booth Monitor 700 USD
Can only be purchased with another sponsorship level
Includes monitor rental for two days of conference and power to support it